Join Our FREE Client Launch Academy Group On Facebook™ and Learn How To Start Enrolling 
More High-Ticket Clients Right Now!

Join Our FREE Client Launch Academy Group On Facebook™ and Start Enrolling More High-Ticket Clients Now!

[Real Client Success] Watch This Video!

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Join our Group and You will get Instant Access to:

  • Weekly LIVE Coaching Sessions! This will cause your business and life to go to the next level!
  • Access to the #1 Community for Real Coaches, Consultants, & Course Creators! Post your questions, get quick answers, and level up with our proven and tested systems!
  • Facebook Group Strategies! Learn the proven strategies that will grow your group faster than ever! 
  • High Ticket Sales Systems! Learn how to easily close more sales on calls and at live/virtual events!
  • Proven Facebook, IG, and YouTube Marketing Strategies to get you more leads right now!
  • Speaking Skills! ​Learn how to become a more persuasive expert speaker at live and virtual events! 
  • ​Event Success Secrets! Learn how to generate 6 and 7-figures by hosting events! 
  • Online Course Success! We will show you how to Create, Launch, and Sell your online course! 
  • And Much More! You will look back in a few weeks and see that this is exactly what you need!

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Join our Facebook Group and You will get Instant Access to:

  • Weekly LIVE Coaching Sessions! This will cause your business and life to go to the next level!
  • ​​Access to the #1 Community for Real Coaches, Consultants, & Course Creators! Post your questions, get quick answers, and level up with our proven and tested systems!
  • ​Facebook Group Strategies! Learn the proven strategies that will grow your group faster than ever!
  • High Ticket Sales Systems! Learn how to easily close more sales on calls and at live/virtual events!
  • ​Proven Facebook, IG, and YouTube Marketing Strategies to get you more leads right now!
  • Speaking Skills! ​Learn how to become a more persuasive expert speaker at live and virtual events!
  • Event Success Secrets! Learn how to generate 6 and 7-figures by hosting events!
  • Online Course Success! We will show you how to Create, Launch, and Sell your online course!
  • And Much More! You will look back in a few weeks and see that this is exactly what you need!



Hi friend,

Duane and Mason here! 

If you are a coach, consultant, or course creator, who is excited to go to the next level, then you have come to the right place! (You are going to love this... Keep reading!)

As you read this right now and are ready to learn more, we are happy to share that we have helped hundreds of our coaching clients across the world grow their businesses by more than a combined total of 200 million dollars! (And still growing!) 

Sounds pretty awesome, right? "YES!"

As soon as we launched our first coaching business, we began immediately enrolling clients into our high-ticket programs and courses that range from $5,000 to $50,000 per year! In the first 6 months, to our surprise, we had quickly generated 500k in sales and very quickly afterwards, we scaled to over 1 million dollars per year! 

Our client's lives went to the next level and so did ours, so we decided to document the process...

As we continued to enroll more high-ticket clients on a weekly basis, we documented the exact process and systems that we used so we can show other coaches, consultants, and course creators just like you how to copy the proven Client Launch Academy System and grow by an extra 6 or 7-figures per year!

Are you ready to get this level of success in your business? "YES!" (It's going to be awesome!)

Here's the best part...

We have an incredible free group on Facebook that you are invited to join right now! Once your request to join is reviewed and accepted, we will show you quick and easy ways to instantly build and improve your own group, how to take your courses and coaching to the next level, how to host live and virtual events for your clients, and you will learn how to close more high-ticket sales than ever before! (Get ready for the NEW Next Level!)

You will look back in a few weeks from now and smile as you see how being an action taker with the Client Launch Academy has taken your life and business to the next level and you realize you are now a part of the #1 group for coaches, consultants, and course creators, in the entire industry! Guaranteed.

Click the green "Join Now" button at the top or bottom of this page and let's get started today! We only accept people who are action takers, who want to create massive financial success, and who are passionate about improving their client's lives as well. 

Right now is the PERFECT time to scale up your business and achieve the success you deserve!

Your friends and coaches,

Duane Spires and Mason Cain


Duane Spires

Co-Founder and Coaching Expert

Mason Cain

Co-Founder and Marketing Expert

Lauren Spires

Mindset and Coaching Expert

Julie Long

Business Systems Expert

Sydney Beach

Client Membership Director

Arel Moodie

Speaking Expert

Chris Brickman

Media Expert

Becky Uribe

High Ticket Sales Expert



Hi friend,

Duane and Mason here!

If you are a coach, consultant, or course creator, who is excited to go to the next level, then you have come to the right place! (You are going to love this... Keep reading!)

As you read this right now and are ready to learn more, we are happy to share that we have helped hundreds of our coaching clients across the world grow their businesses by more than a combined total of 200 million dollars! (And still growing!) 

Sounds pretty awesome, right? "YES!"

As soon as we launched our first coaching business, we began immediately enrolling clients into our high-ticket programs and courses that range from $5,000 to $50,000 per year! In the first 6 months, to our surprise, we had quickly generated 500k in sales and very quickly afterwards, we scaled to over 1 million dollars per year! 

Our client's lives went to the next level and so did ours, so we decided to document the process...

As we continued to enroll more high-ticket clients on a weekly basis, we documented the exact process and systems that we used so we can show other coaches, consultants, and course creators just like you how to copy the proven Client Launch Academy System and grow by an extra 6 or 7-figures per year!

Are you ready to get this level of success in your business? "YES!" (It's going to be awesome!)

Here's the best part...

We have an incredible free group on Facebook that you are invited to join right now! Once your request to join is reviewed and accepted, we will show you some quick and easy ways to instantly build and improve your own group, how to take your courses and coaching to the next level, how to host live and virtual events for your clients, and you will learn how to close more high-ticket sales than ever before! (Get ready for the NEW Next Level!)

You will look back in a few weeks from now and smile as you see how being an action taker with the Client Launch Academy has taken your life and business to the next level and you realize you are now a part of the #1 group for coaches, consultants, and course creators, in the entire industry! Guaranteed.

Click the green "Join Now" button at the top or bottom of this page and let's get started today! We only accept people who are action takers, who want to create massive financial success, and who are passionate about improving their client's lives as well. 

The time is now to scale up your business and achieve the success you deserve!

Your friends and coaches,

Duane Spires and Mason Cain

Meet Our 

Duane Spires

Co-Founder and Coaching Expert

Mason Cain

Co-Founder and Marketing Expert

Lauren Spires

Mindset and Coaching Expert

Julie Long

Business Systems Expert

Sydney Beach

Client Membership Director

Arel Moodie

Speaking Expert

Chris Brickman

Media Expert

Becky Uribe

High Ticket Sales Expert

Our CLIENT LAUNCH EXPERTS Have Been Featured by:

Enroll More Clients, Change More Lives, and Make More Money with The Client Launch Academy!

Enroll More Clients, Change More Lives, and Make More Money with The Client Launch Academy!

Client Launch Academy LLC 
© Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved.
3903 Northdale Blvd. Suite 220e Tampa, FL. 33624
Client Launch Academy LLC © Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved.
3903 Northdale Blvd. Suite 220e Tampa, FL. 33624